Dr Stone
In a world where humanity was suddenly petrified by a mysterious green light, high school student Taiju Ooki awakens millennia later to find civilization erased and nature reclaimed. He encounters his friend Senkuu, a scientific prodigy who has been conscious for months. Together, they embark on a mission to revive humanity using science. Senkuu discovers that nitric acid can reverse the petrification process. They revive Tsukasa Shishio, a martial artist, and Yuzuriha Ogawa, their classmate. However, Tsukasa opposes rebuilding the old world, preferring a new order based on strength. He attempts to kill Senkuu, believing he succeeded, and leaves to establish his own faction. Surviving the attack, Senkuu encounters a tribe of survivors and creates his Kingdom of Science. He learns the village was founded by his adoptive father Byakuya, an astronaut unaffected by the petrification. Senkuu's group engages in conflict with Tsukasa's Empire, emerging victorious. Post-victory, they discover Byakuya left resources for mass-producing revival fluid on a nearby island. This island is home to the Petrification Kingdom, possessing the device responsible for humanity's stone slumber. As Senkuu and his allies face new challenges, the reason behind mankind's petrification remains a mystery, driving their quest for knowledge and restoration of civilization.
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