


Kagurabachi, a Japanese manga series by Takeru Hokazono, hit the scene on September 19, 2023. It was part of Weekly Shounen Jump's second wave of new releases in Issue #42, sandwiched between MamaYuyu and Two on Ice. The story centers on Chihiro Rokuhira, son of the legendary swordsmith Kunishige. After his dad's murder, Chihiro ditched his swordsmith dreams and went full revenge mode against the Hishaku organization. He's got this cool exterior, but he's actually a softie inside. Chihiro's got his dad's seventh Enchanted Blade, Enten, which can summon goldfish to do its bidding. Chihiro's not alone in this. He's got Togo Shiba, an old friend of his dad's and a powerful sorcerer. Shiba used to be part of the Kamunabi but quit over some disagreements. He's like Chihiro's personal intel guy and combat buddy. Then there's Hakuri Sazanami, this ex-clan member who got kicked out by his dad for being "weak". Now he's teamed up with Chihiro to take down his family's shady auction business, the Rakuzaichi. The squad also includes Hiyuki Kagari, a hot-headed Kamunabi sorcerer with a weapon as strong as the Enchanted Blades, and Char Kyonagi, an orphan with some crazy healing abilities. On the villain side, we've got the Hishaku, the folks who killed Chihiro's dad and stole his swords. Their leader, Yura, is after the Enchanted Blade Shinuchi. There's also Genichi Sojo, this weapons dealer who thinks the Enchanted Blades are just for mass murder. The Sazanami Clan is another big player. They're running this underground auction called Rakuzaichi. The clan head, Kyora, is all about the money and protecting the auction. They've got this special team called The Tou, made up of their four best sorcerers. There's a whole bunch of other characters too. Like Kunishige Rokuhira, Chihiro's dad who was this legendary swordsmith before he got killed. And Hinao, who runs a café that's like a secret hangout for sorcerers. The story's got all these factions like the Kamunabi, a government agency of sorcerers trying to get all the Enchanted Blades. They've even got a special team just to deal with Sojo and his Cloud Gouger blade. It's a wild mix of revenge, magic swords, underground auctions, and sorcery. You've got family drama with the Sazanami brothers, government conspiracies with the Kamunabi, and Chihiro stuck in the middle of it all, trying to get justice for his dad while also helping others along the way.


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