Oshi no Ko
Oshi no Ko, also known as "My Favorite Idol" or "Their Idol's Children," is an anime that blends supernatural, mystery, idol, and drama genres. Directed by Daisuke Hiramaki and based on Aka Akasaka's manga, the series is produced by Doga Kobo. It tackles themes of suicide, cyberbullying, death, and murder. The story follows Gorou Amemiya, a doctor murdered and reborn as Aquamarine "Aqua" Hoshino, son of pop idol Ai Hoshino. His sister Ruby is the reincarnation of his former patient. They face challenges as Ai hides her children from the public. Tragedy strikes when Ai is killed by the same stalker who murdered Gorou, leading Aqua to seek revenge. Oshi no Ko stands out for its realistic portrayal of the Japanese entertainment industry, highlighting the lack of unions, guarantees, and fair opportunities. It exposes the dark side of the idol world, showing how emotions and labor are commodified and internalized by the performers. This gritty depiction contrasts with many idolish anime that often glamorize the industry. Oshi no Ko, along with series like Heroines Run the Show, focuses on the harsh realities idols face, including rabid fans, rumors, privacy violations, and exploitation. In the second episode, Ruby attempts to join a major idol group, while Aqua tries to dissuade her by revealing industry truths. Aqua manipulates the situation to "protect" his sister, resulting in her apparent rejection. The episode concludes with Miyako reopening Strawberry Productions' idol department and becoming their manager.
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